Nutrition and Movement Guide
I was so sick from ages 14-21. Went to doctor after doctor for years. Finally diagnosed with Lyme at 21. I spent the next two years healing under the care of an amazing Dr. He saved my life and I was able to function for the next 5 years.
I got married and had the most beautiful babies. However, the stress of childbearing, working full time and moving once a year took it’s toll.
I struggled to feel good. I didn’t have energy. I was depressed, unable to adapt, so stressed, plagued with insomnia and miserable. I would have small seasons of feeling well, but it was never enough.
I tried all the diets - paleo, elimination, allergen free, keto, etc. All in an attempt to feel good and be present with my family. We ate whole foods and cut gluten. At one point I was dairy and egg free. I knew this wasn’t how I wanted to live.
This year I tried something new. And it has been so simple, so effective and so transformative. I stopped focusing on losing weight, and started to work towards feeling good. I wanted health and vitality and abundance.
The results are in: I feel good, I’m sleeping, and I have the energy to work on projects. I have the mental fortitude to tackle my trauma, go to counseling and get truly healthy. I’m present for my family and my marriage is the healthiest it’s ever been. The bonus: my family is also the healthiest it’s ever been. 😍🙌🏻
I’ve tried to compile everything I did into one short, simple guide for you. I truly believe it will transform your life too.
I recommend this for the whole family. Mama, you need to heal first. If you are healthy, you can heal your family. Your nervous system is the backbone of the entire family. You matter.
This is also for the family - kids and dad. We have seen an increase in sleep issues, decreased meltdowns, skin cleared up from eczema, an increase in energy and so much more.